


The Right Road

With John Davidson

John Davidson is a natural storyteller who takes you on the road with him as you're swept up in an incredible event.

You'll feel a rollercoaster of emotions as you sometimes laugh and sometimes hold back tear, but throughout your journey you'll feel the road, the dedication and determination. John takes you on a personal journey that will touch your heart and leave you wanting to dust off that dream of yours and get busy.

He's a Guinness Book World Record holder and a member of the Order of Ontario. He's the soft-spoken dad who has raised millions and he did it all to help others.

Here's an adventure story that gives 'reality show' a whole new meaning.

Get ready for an amazing story from this "ordinary dad" whose passion comes shining through as he weaves together multimedia visuals and stories about the best, the worst and the funniest days on the road.

John will show you how everyone has inside them what it takes to be a "gold medal" winner!